On 28th of May, 2015, photo-exhibition dedicated to Gabala region of Azerbaijan was held at the premises of the European Parliament.
More than 350 people participated in the event organized by AYAPE and hosted by MEPs Ivo Vaigl and Boris
Zala, including Mr. Khazar Ibrahim, Head of Mission to NATO, Mr. Vusal Mammadov, director of SOCAR
Representative Office in Belgium, Mr. Mark Verwilghen, Director of TEAS Belgium, Mr. Arif Mammadov,
Head of the Mission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the EU, MEP Anna Zaborska, members of
European Commission, representatives of mass media and members of diplomatic corps accredited in
In their speeches, MEPs Ivo Vaigll and Boris Zala have congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the
Republic Day and emphasized the importance of the future progress in relations between Azerbaijan and
the EU.
Mr. Arif Rahimov, President of “ASPI AGRO” Co. informed the audience about the development of tourism
in Gabala and presented the products of “Savalan” winery. Afterwards, the video about the production
process of “Savalan” wines was demonstrated.
After the speeches, one of the most popular harpists of Europe Mojca Zlobko played pieces from the world
classic music.
The event ended with the degustation of “Savalan” wines.